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How can you support The Confluence?

We invite individuals, groups, and organizations whose thinking and philosophy may resonate with ours enabling us to create a larger impact. Contributions can be by way of:

  • Recognition and Affiliation: with Govt. and Non-Govt. Institutions and Organizations who believe in the philosophy and practices of Sustainability.


  • Conducting workshops on various subjects related to sustainability which may include: Yoga and Meditation, Philosophy – Indian and Western, Psychology – Indian and Western Concepts, Health and Healing, Modern Medicine and Alternate Therapies, Ecology and Environment Protection including water, air, waste, etc., Sustainable Management and Leadership, Forestry, Organic Farming and Agriculture, Healthy Holistic Cooking Practices.


  • Donating Equipment and Devices which promotes sustainability – Solar systems, water management and waste management systems, agriculture, and farming equipment, etc.


  • Monetary Support: Donating funds to the Inner Search Foundation which is a 21-year-old registered trust founded under the Bombay Charitable Trust Act 1950. Income Tax Benefits may be claimed as the trust is approved for 80G and 12A exemptions. All the funds will strictly be used for campus programs, infrastructure development and sustenance.


  • Intellectual Contribution by way of Literature and relevant study material, in various media formats.


  • Temporary and Lifetime Service Memberships: Becoming a temporary or full-time active member of The Confluence (subject to your application being approved by the trust). This membership will include a system of time sharing whereby you can live on campus for certain number of days annually and participate in serving/managing campus activities based on your expertise. You may avail of all facilities for personal growth and development while you are on campus.

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